Ministry of Health Strategy
Follow the Ministry of Health’s strategy to support Māori mental health and addiction services
He Ara Oranga Report
Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction
About Tātaihono
Tātaihono and our role supporting psychosocial responses to COVID-19
Stay in the loop
Mata Taraiti – An Interview With Kirsty Maxwell-Crawford
In this issue of Te Mahau, we spoke to Kirsty Maxwell-Crawford. Kirsty works as General Manager at the Poutiri Wellness Centre - an integrated and holistic health, employment and wellness-based based in Te Puke. We spoke to Kirsty about the organisation’s experiences...
Mata Taraiti – An Interview With James Hill
In the latest issue of Te Mahau, we spoke to James Hill (Whākatōhea, Ngāpuhi), a registered Māori therapist currently building my own private practice, Moana Hill Psychotherapy, in Tāmaki Makaurau. James is passionate about providing a hybridised service that incorporates kaupapa Māori approaches to mental health alongside western psychotherapeutic approaches, in order to best serve the mental health needs of whānau today.
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