Ministry of Health Strategy
Follow the Ministry of Health’s strategy to support Māori mental health and addiction services
He Ara Oranga Report
Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction
About Tātaihono
Tātaihono and our role supporting psychosocial responses to COVID-19
Stay in the loop
Tātaihono Te Mahau Interview – Gina Giordani
This month we caught up with Gina Giordani, programme lead for the Nōku te Ao: Like Minds Social Movement. In this interview, we get to know Gina a little bit and learn how her lived experiences have shaped her to advocate for others on their mental health and...
Tātaihono Te Mahau Interview – Joanne Rama
Joanne currently contracts to facilitate Wānanga Hapūtanga for the Auckland District Health Board, Te Kaha o Te Rangatahi and E Tipu e Rea. In commemoration of Perinatal Mental Health Awareness Week this May, we had the privilege of speaking with Joanne Rama. Joanne...
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